Buy Billboards on Audience Impressions. No Fixed Rental.

Prooh aggregates anonymized, opt-in, high quality app-sourced sdk location data, and combines it with road traffic circulation data to determine in real-time, which locations attribute to highest target audience penetration and help select media units on visibility index parameters and applies the % of impressions delieverd vs total impressions on the market operating price resulting into 100% accountability and assured savings.

How IT Works?

Complete Accountability from a single view dashboard backed by Data Driven Audience Planning and complete transparency in supplier-direct pricing adjusted with Audience Allocation , super fast Ad-placement in OOH and DOOH and final payment as per validation of actual impressions.


Super-Fast-Map with real time filters help Analyse Geographies, Audience Segmentation, Audience planning, Site Selection, Site pricing based on Target audience adjustment, reporting of execution, proof of display, Validation of Impressions delivery and final pricing. All on a Single view dashboard accessible by client/media owner & prooh. Campaign reporting is achieved through submission of Date-time-stamp Camera for OOH and through a Log report in PDOOH. Complete transparency is provided in terms of client- supplier pricing, supplier visibility & prooh earnings.

2. Find Locations with highest audience personas using Real-time filters.

Tap into the most premium locations at scale. Near to Real-time Spatial telco data fused with all road segments and points of interest allows identification of hotspots relevant to a defined target group. Such behavioral ooh media planning empowers ability to predict movement patterns for particular audiences to provide dependable locations for ooh & dooh ad placements. Interestingly each location mapped on our ad-network provides the target audience personas in varied proportions making it posssible for a brand to have larger coverage of their campaign with accountable investment.


Each media is able to forecast audience impressions for the selected campaign days and auto adjusts its price to form a campaign budget. Our site score on LTS along with previous advertisers data helps in the site selection process immensely. The shortlisted sites are layered with Points of Interest and multiple filters for campaign visualization by the client to understand very quickly, how the shortlisted locations are the ideal locations targeting the desired audience personas which makes it possible to perform contextual ad-placement at different locations & time of the day.


PROOH’S experienced design team makes improvements in the creative to ensure legibility for maximiging audience engagement. Different road speeds and distance of the OOH unit from the contact zone are adjusted. KPI’s can be set for measurement of the audience attention triggered around the geo location of the OOH site which can be tracked from the client website. Eg. interest in browsing the company’s website, app/Qr code downloads & increase in foot traffic at retail store around the site location, direct response enquiry on telephone number mentioned on the AD or tracking social sharing of the AD.

5. Installation through Conventional & Programmatic Method

The entire campaign installation process is as seamless as possible. Our media buying & operations teams are strategically partnered with the media owners for securing real time availability. Post site level creative improvisation, Production and installation is handled with just a few clicks & campaign images are reported on the client dashboard through a time stamp monitoring app for traditional media while DOOH is executed real time through Programmatic platform which allows contextual targeting abilities based on scheduling, triggers based on partner API’s & live events detected through IOT devices.


The campaign investment budget is forecasted basis the adjustment of the target audience vs the total impressions available at a location to the Market operating price of each site. At this stage of providing a work-order to PROOH, the client saves min 20% on the MOP. However, the actual payment is computed after validation of actual impressions captured through live data (traffic & sdk) during the actual campaign duration. The final payment may be 5%+- of the PO Value. Large variations may occur due to some events which results into steep fall and rise in the traffic during the campaign days.


Prooh secures only 4% logistics fee from brands towards management of the OOH campaigns. Prooh assures every brand a minimum 20% savings on the current media buying costs and provides services from audience planning, site selection, execution and campaign reporting keeping audience measurement and avoiding ad-wastage as its foundation. Prooh shares the media billings with the media owners in the 30:70 ratio along with servicing quarterly MG’s for bringing their inventory on “impressions based buys” only to bring more affordability for brands.

Buy Billboards on CPM. No Fixed Rental.
Explore how Prooh can help you achieve your marketing KPIs

Industry Leading Technology / Maximum Data / Maximum Inventory Options / Guaranteed Savings / Live Dashboard

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